I definitely don't support Democratic candidate elect Obama but the effort to suggest that his relationship with white American terrorist Bill Ayres is an unreasonable charge....it doesn't fly with me.
I have been on many boards profit and non-profit and I would hate to be judged by my association with some of my fellow board members.
I know Obama and Ayres were on the same board for many years. Doesn't matter, you can go many years without really knowing other board members in many instances; you can go for a long time without any meaningful social relations.
It may not have been Obama who solicited Ayres for the initial Obama campaign kick-off at Ayres' home. It could well have been the other way around, and Obama was just being his regular-poor-judgement self.
The fact that Ayres and his fellow terrorist wife are professors in Chicago is unfortunate...both should have been in prison but that is not Obama's fault. They are on the street, have respectable jobs and the one thing I know about all far lefties...they assume that everyone thinks like they do. So Obama thought Aryes and Dohrn thought like he did and vice versa.
That is my problem with Obama (in addition to my earlier blog where I pointed out Obama's slander that many other Black churches are repositories of anti-American hate like his church...they aren't). Obama is a Lefty stuck in the failed policy ideology of the mid 20th Century.