am beginning to hear myself rant. I am deeply offended by Jeremiah
Wright. The man is a gross distortion of a decent human. If he is any body's
mentor they need serious new counseling. Jeremiah Wright's worst
distortion to date is the claim that he somehow reflects the thinking
of Martin Marty.
I interviewed Marty for my public radio program and I have read several of his books. Marty is a good historian and a great appreciator of the religious inclusiveness of America. He loves America and the role religion has played in our country. I will not be surprised to hear Marty disown and rebuke Jeremiah Wright.
Jeremiah Wright is the opposite of Martin Marty. Wright's history is mean-spirited, vicious and nothing more than an ideological patchwork of blind ignorance. His level of tolerance is minus five on a scale that only goes from zero to plus 5; he is the worst example of a demagogue, a racist and a bigot. Wright's claimed association with Martin Marty reaches a biblical level of abomination.
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