The media world and blogs are having enough fun with Eliot Spitzer without my help.
I have two minor observations. One, the glee with which the Wall Street Journal and its readers are enjoying is fun to watch. For them, a tyrant gets his justified come-up-ance.
Two, Nick Kristof (NYTimes) tells us that: "The governor buttonholed me because he wanted credit for passage of a tough state law against sex trafficking. Frankly, he deserves credit, for the law took the innovative step of cracking down on johns by increasing penalties."
That makes Spitzer a hypocrite who is hoist on his own petard. I like that.
Contempt for hypocrisy was the driving force with the Hippies who resented their parents 3 martinis a day and conventionality on sex, aesthetics, music and social behavior.
My contribution to this discussion deals with call girls and prostitution. My experience comes from helping Margo St. James start and run Coyote, the first prostitutes union in America. Margo, bless her, gives me full credit.
I wrote about prostitution in a blog in August 2005. I said: "The relevant data you may need to know about prostitution is
that the classic sex research findings breakdown revenue earned in different
types of prostitution into 90% call girls, 5% bordellos and 5% hookers (hookers
are prostitutes who work on the street)."
The actual number of prostitutes breaks down to 25% call girls, 10% bordellos, 65% street hookers.
In the Spitzer case, Kristen, Ashley Alexander Dupre, (she had a MySpace page this morning which has since been hijacked by hundreds of people using her name and photo) was employed in a modern bordello. Despite what the media say, Kristen worked for a bordello, she is not a call girl. Bordellos are usually run by a man and a woman. In this case by Mark Brener and Cecil Suwal.
The modern bordello doesn't have a premise; its operates by having the customer contact a central number and then the customer is assigned a meeting place when the money has been received by the bordello operater. Kristen's bordello operated in NY, DC, Paris and Miami.
Call girls earn about $275,000 per year. Kristen probably earned less than half of that.
The way the call girl business works is very different from the bordello. Call girls are independent contractors linked in a network. It starts when a man who uses call girls introduces a friend to one of them. If the original client and the new client are trustworthy, the call girl introduces the new man to other call girls who might interest him. Payment is in cash. The entire network is based on a chain of mutual trust of call girls who know each other and reliable clients who get passed around.
Call girls are virtually never arrested. They are usually attractive, sometimes beautiful, always strong and independent. From what I can tell they usually marry a rich man by the time they are 30.
I estimate the total revenue from prostitution in America, based on the rare insight in San Francisco, is $25 billion. Again 90% is paid to call girls. The bordellos with which Spitzer was involved generate $2.5 billion a year in revenue.