month the local press announced that John Burton was being sued by the
executive director of his foundation for sexual harassment.
First I'll tell you who John is then an analysis of the issue.
Burton was president of the 400 member SF Young Democrats in 1963 when
I was president of the 4,000 member SF Young Republicans (lots of
single horny woman in San Francisco and we Republicans had the best
parties and the most desirable mates). John spent years wandering in
search of a life and being a heavy user of every known drug. John's
brother was the extremely nasty, mean-spirited communist Philip Burton
who became a Congressman and built the San Francisco Democratic Party
machine using the local SEIU maintenance union.
replaced his brother in the Assembly and joined him in Congress in the
After sobering up, getting a choice retirement package from his
brother in the form of development rights to the Marin airbase
(Hamilton field).
John returned to the Assembly, then moved up to the
Senate where he was the leader for most of his two terms.
John had none of the political talent his brother had, but he learned it on the job and he was always in control of the San Francisco party machine.
Now the analysis: someone is getting even with John or wants a bribe to retire on. John can not say three words without one of the three being a swear word. Everyone who has known John for the past two decades knows this and lives with it.
John may have Tourette's Syndrome so he has too swear. John also only likes skinny bleached blondes. Unless his accuser, Kathleen Driscoll, fits that description, she is lying.
(The image on the upper right is not our John Burton, he is a man with the same name in the British Labor Party.)