talked to a friend who is President of the Emeryville School district.
This is a rare case of a district having only one high school, a very
high tax base because the City has so much commerce relative to
children and a nearly all minority school population.
This high
school has gotten significantly higher test scores from 2003 to 2007,
roughly a 30% improvement on the Academic Performance Index.
accounts for this unique success with the same school population over
five years? A male principal was brought in from a private Catholic
school who had superb management skills.
That simple explanation makes sense to me.
can readily understand that management is a major issue in school
success. Most public schools were founded in the 19th Century or
modeled on earlier schools and use 19th Century management structure
without metrics, rewards, constant feedback, delegated responsibility
or meritocracy.
Just an observation that makes sense to me.
also note a separate problem, that there are few minority male teachers
to serve as examples for male minority students. My anecdotal evidence
suggests that males are terrified of teaching because sexual harassment
laws will likely destroy their careers, regardless of how saintly they