We San Franciscans have seen the Obama magic phenomenon before.
2003, Willie Brown was being replaced as mayor and the citizens were
furious at Brown for the corruption and bad administration that he had
left in his wake.
Two candidates emerged in a run-off election for mayor: Gavin Newsom and Matt Gonzales. Newsom was seen as a continuation of the Willie Brown corrupt machine. Matt Gonzales was a relative unknown who started the run-off as the significant underdog.
The anger at outgoing Mayor Brown turned
into a magic explosion of support for Gonzales that saw his vote climb
every day up to election day. Gonzales won the election at the polls
carried by his magic support. Gonzales lost the final vote when the absentee
ballots were counted; absentee ballots having been cast before the
magic campaign had gotten underway.
Gonzales was a nobody and remains a nobody with no admirable characteristics, but the anger at out- going mayor Brown was turned into a magic wave of support for Gonzales.
Translation to Obama today: Bush hatred has been converted into Obama magic. Obama is only promising "change" from the Bush era just as Gonzales rode the anger at Willie Brown to a magic change movement in San Francisco.
If the Obama magic continues two more weeks, Obama wins and the Clintons will be finished.
I know several people who personally know both of the Clintons, and we can expect a strong outpouring of contempt (with details) towards both of them, especially Bill.