play by a self-hating Jew is scheduled to be read on March 24th in San
Francisco. The Magic Theatre commissioned and is promoting this piece
of Jew bashing. The play is a screed on how flawed Theodore Herzl was
and what a terrible mistake the creation of Israel has been.
Herzl was a brilliant young man in the late 1800s who could see that anti-Semitism in Europe would destroy the Jews unless they had a homeland to escape to. He died young but accomplished enough to save Jewry from extinction.
giving you a heads-up. I'm also writing the next blog which is about
the issue of people who hate their families, themselves and their
Did you know that self hatred is not listed in the
DSM IV, the mental illness directory of the psychology world? It is a
subset of paranoia and personality disorder.
The anti-Semite (Jews don't mention the name of the Evil one)