One of my friends asked what provokes the subjects of my blogs. He says they have the erratic sequence of a cocktail party.
The driving force in the sequencing of my blogs is the spontaneous thinking I do. There are many influences on my thinking that do include interesting conversations, news reports, books, articles and incidents from daily life.
I suspect I am also influenced by the larger questions that my society is asking itself a subject about which I consider myself especially sensitive (larger questions that are not verbalized).
The most perplexing question my society (American intellectuals) is asking is "How can people continue to be Lefties when an entire century of empirical evidence has demolished the whole Lefty ideology?"
I'm adding to my on-going answer with this blog. We have a society where we separate people, educationally, into those who value empirical evidence and those who don't. In Cambridge Massachusetts the division at the University level is between MIT and Harvard.
* MIT is highly empirical, has an ROTC and is not known for its Lefty protests.
* Harvard is not known for anything empirical, has banned ROTC, has fired a President for suggesting an empirically based fact about women and produces an endless series of proud, public faculty members advocating tenets of the Lefty Fundamentalist church.
We separate students into Lefties on the one hand and empirically driven people on the other hand.