Would you read an explanation by an adult
who tells you why he lied to you for a second time?
My answer is 'Yes' if the editor promptly admitted the lie, deeply and genuinely apologized AND demonstrated that out of remorse he had made significant changes in the editorial policies, procedures and editorial management.
If the editor took tens of thousands of words to explain how he inadvertently lied to you and tried very hard in his wordy explanation to prove to himself that it was a reasonable error.....would you read the explanation? Would you allow an adult like the man on the right in your home?
The spineless editor, the moral reprobate who chose the second option is Franklin Foer
of The New Republic. Foer published anonymous lies about the American
Army in Iraq and about American soldiers in combat in his magazine.
The story Foer published is referred to on the Internet as the Scott Beauchamp scurrilous fiction. Foer has finally written his explanation of why he published the fictitious piece as battle front factual reporting. Foer's explanation is a piece of spineless buggery that appears in the latest New Republic.
I read it only to pass on the report to you. It was really hard to read tens of thousands of words by a liar who only knows how to try and cover-up his lie with intellectual slight-of-hand. The New Republic is disgusting.