What is more maddening,
reading a headline in the mainstream press (AP) that you know is lying
or finding out from the Internet how really wrong the mainstream press
In some strange way, I am sympathetic to Lolita C. Baldur,
the woman who wrote the nationally syndicated Associated Press lie. She is in a
profession that is failing, jobs are evaporating rapidly because
newspapers are run by incompetent boobs and the pro-socialist
credentials that most journalists carry are becoming more embarrassing
Here is what Lolita said: "...the number of Army deserters
this year (is) showing an 80 percent increase since the United States
invaded Iraq in 2003." I know that a rise from 5% to 9% would be an
80% increase...that is the kind of small number mumbo-jumbo the press publishes twice a day.
That is not the case with Lolita's and the AP's lie. Remember a lie is the intent to deceive. Lolita and the AP are lying on a big scale.
The desertion rate in 1944
during WWII was 6.5%. During Korea its was 2.2% and during the Vietnam
War the desertion rate climbed again to 5.2%. In the Iraq War, as any
honest person would figure with a volunteer army, the desertion rate is
less that one percent, less than 1%.
The AP turned this trivial 1% number into a national tragedy. To do that, Lolita C. Baldur
had to lie and AP had to join her in the lie. The 2007 data shows .9%
of soldiers deserted, that is nine-tenths of one percent. Nine-tenths
is up from 0.7, seven-tenths of one percent in 2003. But it is not up
from the three years before the Iraq War when the average was the same
nine-tenths: 0.9%
So what gets you madder..knowing that the mainstream media are deceptive or learning from the Internet how really deceptive they are?