appears to be a Lefty need to fabricate. First we had Janet Cooke a
rising star fabricating on a regular basis for the Washington Post.
Then it was Jayson Blair, another rising star, doing the same for the
New York Times. Steven Glass, the up and coming genius, wrote regularly
fabricated articles for the New Republic. The New Republic never
learned and recently added to its pathetic history of fabrication with
Scott Thomas Beauchamp reporting from Iraq.
Has anyone asked why the Left is so vulnerable to fabricated articles. No.
I think the explanation is straight forward: a) the Left lives inside an ideological bottle where all perception of the world is deduced from a few simple catechisms such as evil global corporations and class warfare. Therefore it is easy to fabricate articles by simply applying the catechism to a subject the reporter wants to write about. "Easy to make up stories" is too great a temptation for many Lefty journalists.
b) The whole Lefty world was demolished in the 20th
Century by empirical evidence. Communism, socialism and government
social engineering doesn't work based on evidence from an entire century. Therefore "fabricating stories" is the
only way to respond to a world around us that is empirically out of
sync with Lefty ideology.
The Left has a future of more journalistic fabrication because the Lefty-world has no alternative. The empiric world we live in doesn't fit Lefty ideology.
The only way Hugo Chavez, BBC, Hamas, France Channel 2 and the Taliban can score positive news stories in the world is by fabricating them.