Toobin was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Well educated, well
traveled, from a well-to-do Upper West-side Manhattan Jewish family who
encouraged Jeffrey's intellectual sophistication from birth....Jeffrey
is only lacking in one thing: a moral spine.
Jeffrey joins a parade of sophisticated Lefty intellectuals hired as hit-men. Garrison Keillor wrote a book review for the N.Y. Times ridiculing one of France's leading contemporary thinkers, Bernard Henri Levy. Keillor was the pigeon crap-bombing the elephant. Tony Judt was hired to write the hit piece against the very existence of Israel for the New York Review of Books. Judt was hired to make anti-Semitism the sophisticated sine qua non of the N.Y.Review of Books. Now the New Yorker has hired Jeffrey Toobin to write a hit piece on Clarence Thomas and attack Thomas' brilliant, honest, moving auto-biography My Grandfather's Son.
Toobin has no trouble claiming the Thomas is 'angry' all
through the book and for the 15 years since he was put on the Supreme
Court. Toobin claims that Thomas ignores the affirmative action that
got him the many jobs that led to the Supreme Court. Toobin claims
that Thomas is hostile to 'elites' who try to tell blacks what to think
and how to act, but not to elites who run big business.
Trouble is, Toobin is the last person to be writing a meaningful review of Thomas or his book. Toobin is a member of the very insidious 'elite' that Thomas holds in contempt. Toobin is an integral part of the Lefty hordes who lynched Thomas at his confirmation hearing and part of the hate filled Left that never stops metaphorically lynching Thomas for being black and not toeing the standard Lefty political line.
Start with Toobin's accusation...
Start with Toobin's accusation that Thomas is angry and has been angry for decades. That is Toobin's projection. Maybe for Toobin coming out of the closet was his rite-of-passage that lets him think he can relate to being a minority and helps him relate to black anger. But Toobin is wrong. Being a spoiled rich kid he can never fathom what Clarence Thomas has experienced in life. Thomas has pitch black skin. If you don't know anything about blacks, like Toobin, you don't know that among blacks, being black-black puts you at the bottom of the black social ladder.
Thomas was born and raised in the
Jim Crow South in the poorest possible conditions. It is accurate to
say of this boy, Clarence, that he was born in the bottom of a deep
excrement-filled trench underneath the outhouse and the outhouse door
was locked shut by whites. To blacks then and now he is still at the
bottom of the trench because his skin is so black.
At some point, in college, Clarence Thomas recognized that being an angry black was forcing him into the old Jim Crow mold that had morphed into the new James Crow mold. Thomas recognized that white Lefty elites demanded that blacks adhere to rigid Lefty thinking and espouse anti-white race anger. Thomas mentions in his autobiography Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man as expressing the same understanding that Thomas had come to. The Invisible Man is one of the greatest and most respected American writings, but Lefties have no idea that the book is about Blacks being forced to think the way white Lefties require them to. If you are black and you have ideas or thoughts that do not conform to the Lefty catechism, you are, as Ellison pointed out fifty years ago, invisible.
Thomas realized that Jim Crow had been forced by law to open the door of the outhouse and let him out. Jim Crow's Ku Klux Klan lynched blacks for behavior...for looking at white women or not showing deference to white men. The new Lefty James Crow, with its revised version of the Ku Klux Klan, lynches blacks for thinking... for thinking any way but Lefty. Blacks, to meet Lefty James Crow standards, have to complain about oppression, blacks have to be anti-global business, pro-socialized medicine, always angry and believe the government can fix anything. The Jim Crow house slaves have become the Lefty James Crow political slaves.
Thomas made a point that he was not angry... he became free of anger by escaping the Lefty James Crow mind control. But Jeffrey Toobin is part of the Lefty Ku Klux Klan, so Toobin insists that Thomas must be angry. Toobin won't let Thomas be anything by a political slave of the kind Lefties demand.
Toobin also takes a standard Lefty intellectual lie as the premise of his article in the New Yorker: virtually every black has gotten where he or she has gotten because of affirmative action. Therefore Thomas should acknowledge the benefits of affirmative action and show his gratitude to the Lefties who brought Thomas his portion of affirmative action.
This premise is a Lefty lie because the 1959 and 1964 Civil Rights Acts only opened the locked outhouse door of Jim Crow. The blacks who chose to walk out the door and successfully participate in the white majority society did so because they were capable. Other blacks who got affirmative action support in the educational world, the only place affirmative action was offered, failed when they lacked the merit needed to get through the newly opened door.
Lefties don't understand that the Civil Rights movement only opened the locked door to our society. The capable blacks walked through the door. Others were given a tiny dollop of affirmative action... and it never worked. Giving blacks their civil rights, after they had served in the Civil War, after they had given their lives in WWII and Korea, was not a generous gesture, like Lefties think, it was a moral right that every member of our society had.
Clarence Thomas describes in his
autobiography, his lynching by the Lefty Ku Klux Klan in the Senate in
1992. This description by Thomas offends the fey sensibilities of
hit-man Jeffrey Toobin, because Toobin is hired to do the same thing
again. Toobin's only defense of his hit-man article is that he
regularly writes legal analysis for the New Yorker and, presumably,
writing about Thomas is just another legal assignment.
What Toobin doesn't understand, again just like not understanding the low status of a black black, is that there have always been two ways to attack a black: 1) money, 2) sex. Money. Blacks, especially black ministers, are regularly attacked for being careless and corrupt with money. If you don't know this it is because you have forgotten Father Divine, Operation Push and the Budweiser funds, the NAACP's Benjamin Chavis, a dozen other cases and most recently the Oakland Black Muslim Bakery.
Sex. That was the traditional thesis of Jim Crow and the old Ku Klux Klan... black men were over-sexed and always leering deviantly at white women. But, surprise, that is also the new James Crow Lefty Ku Klux Klan hard at work in the United States Senate. The Left couldn't attack Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court on any substantive grounds so they found a light skinned Negress, who could almost pass for white, who had worked for Clarence Thomas a decade earlier, and the Left got her to claim that Clarence Thomas was the same old, leering giant sexual appendage wielding, black man that the traditional Ku Klux Klan used to lynch. The traditional Jim Crow sexual slur was barely modified by Anita Hill... she claimed Thomas made jokes with sexual innuendo and admitted liking pornographic tapes. The same sex justification the new Lefty Ku Klux Klan believed warranted lynching Thomas and keeping him off the Supreme Court... just like the old Jim Crow KKK would have used.
Toobin, the smart and smarmy Manhattan intellectual also finds the standard form of attack on 'lazy colored people' as the best way to lynch this blackest of blacks. Toobin paints Thomas as your slow moving cotton pick'in plantation slave. Here is Toobin's exact quote: "Thomas maintains a drowsy silence through the Court’s oral arguments; for the term that began in October, 2006, and ended in June, 2007, through scores of cases, Thomas did not ask the lawyers a single question." Notice the terms "drowsy silence" that seem to be the two perfect words for Toobin and the New Yorker editors to describe Thomas. Thomas, after all, has the temerity to decide that a black man doesn't have to ask questions in oral argument, where sophisticated white Justices usually use that opportunity to show-off how smart they are.
Toobin complains that Justice Thomas is extreme in his reading of the 'original intent' of the authors of the Constitution, more extreme than the other eight Justices. One of Thomas' most famous rulings was based on the first Amendment where he got all the other eight Justices to agree with him that burning a cross on the lawn in Virginia was not protected 1st amendment free speech. How did Toobin find cross burning a banned form of speech based on the founding fathers? He couldn't. The founding fathers never dealt with the subject. They certainly didn't write legislation against it with the fervor that Justice Clarence Thomas wrote against cross burning as a form of free speech, because Thomas knows what cross burning anti-black expression feels like. Jeffrey Toobin, like every other Lefty Thomas meets, is burning his cross of hatred for blacks who think for themselves, every day in front of Justice Thomas.
Jeffrey Toobin is another in the growing line of Lefty hit-men for hire... going after the 'freest thinking black man in America' to use the accolade of Shelby Steele.