Those of us who are pro-commerce get to watch
the slow and painful death of the failed anti-commerce Left. I happen
to view the spectacle with some pleasure. There is a new pleasure for
We have seen the anti-Jewish and virulently Leftist San Francisco Chronicle lose circulation at an astounding rate, from a Bay Area maximum of 350K to under 100K today, less than 35K readers in San Francisco. The paper, according to BusinessWeek is losing $1 million a month.
The mean-spirited Lefty LA Times was sold-off twice in the past five years after closing its Orange County branch for lack of reader interest and big circulation losses.
We saw the Lefty imitation of thriving
conservative talk radio, Air America, blow through tens of millions of
dollars and fail in less than a year.
We saw Fox News devastate Lefty CNN.
Now we learn that the fount of Lefty worship is close to bankruptcy, likely to be bought out or go under in less than two years.
N.Y. Times is going under for one or both of two reasons. First
nepotism. The Times is being run by the fourth generation of the Sulzberger
family a complete incompetent. (The family hasn't been Jewish for two
generations.) I rail against the tragedy of nepotism all the time.
second reason is the rapidly shrinking Lefty market. The New York
Times practices opinionated-reporting which makes sure only Leftie's
can read the paper without screaming. The Lefty market is shrinking
rapidly as it dies off, suffers dementia and moves to France.
Goodbye Lefty world. You may have been idealists early in the 20th Century, but you were blind to the genocidal consequences of your ideas the rest of the century. I can't bid you farewell, you don't deserve it.