The combination of a rainy day in October in San Francisco and Al Gore
winning a Nobel Peace Prize led me to this great invention.
The image on the right is the Phillips Rainmill™. As rain runs down your roof, before it reaches your gutter, it turns a 3 inch diameter horizontal water wheel. The water wheel is attached to an electric generator. The rain falling on your roof generates electricity.
We will be able to sell the Phillips Rainmills™ at very low cost because the generation of clean green energy will mean that the producer of the Phillips Rainmills™ and the buyers will be eligible for carbon offset credits.
The Phillips Rainmill™ operating in an area with 30 inches of rainfall per year and four 25 foot rainmill segments on the roof should generate 24 kilowatts per year. That translates to 40 pounds of carbon saved every year with the use of green energy. Save that carbon.
Copyright © 2007, Patent Pending. Congratulations are in order for this brilliant environmental invention.