The only thing I read in the Sunday paper is a column by Marilyn vos
Savant. Marilyn stays current on probability issues and a few years ago
published the puzzle of the three doors on a quiz show. The answer was
counter-intuitive, took me two weeks to figure out by myself. In the
contest the player states which door he will choose for the prize. The
game show host then says "before I open the door you chose, I'll let
you see that one of the other two is empty, (which he does), now do you
want to change your guess?"
Here's my quiz. Given the following pairs of initials what comes next: AA, JC, AG __
The initials are Adolph Arafat, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore. All losers and all three winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. So who is next in this series of Hollywood Oscar type peace makers? Obviously MM. Michael Moore.