Sometimes I see a piece of human thought that is so extraordinary, it takes my breath away. That is the power of Edward Luttwak's article that I read recently.
I interviewed Luttwak several years ago for my public radio program Social Thought. He was clear and brilliant then. This article shows Luttvak to be even more brilliant, he out does nearly everyone else on the subject.
There are four parts to Luttwak's
argument. This first is identical to mine: Arabs are uniquely
incompetent, always have been always will be. Second, they hold on to
a false belief in their former glory and will be driven by that
absurdity for centuries into the future. Third, whatever the modern
world does to the Arabs, generous or harsh, the Arab behavior will
continue unabated in a straight
line on its irrational course.
And lastly, the Arabs (and Persians) can do very little real damage (when you think in terms of previous world wars). The Straits of Hormuz are well protected by us, Israel is highly competent and oil is going to flow no matter what.