evil is so painful and horrifying to confront that the passing of time
will not help. I wrote this blog more than a month ago in hopes that
the passage of time would diminish some of the shock of confronting
evil. It hasn't.
I'm talking about the resurrection of Mother Jones Magazine with a cover article on the Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton Mass. The evil is not the Rotenberg Center which is a god-sent tool for offering compassion; the evil is Mother Jones Magazine.
Jones herself was in the thrall of evil, the extreme Left of her day,
but she could not have known the millions of humans who would be
tortured by other people who held her beliefs. The writers, readers,
editors and publishers of Mother Jones Magazine do know the consequences of their blind and vicious ideas. They refuse to accept their personal responsibility.
But nothing available to humans, other than direct personal torture, can expose the evil of Lefty thinking more effectively than to read the comments appended to the online article. We have the evil of Lefty thought hiding under the pretense of human care and sympathy. Mother Jones' writer claims that the treatments used by the Rotenberg Center (to treat the suffering out-of-control young people in their care) are 'torture,' 'inhuman' and every other epithet the outraged Lefty can summon from their angry sandbox minds.
Standing in direct
contrast are the comments from the anguished parents of young people
who are or were out-of-control and comments from the young people who
made some modicum of progress from their time at the Rotenberg
facilities. Read it to have your heart torn to shreds. The evil of the
Left is nowhere more transparent than in the pain of the parents,
relatives, teachers and out-of-control children themselves.
There can be no evil greater than the person who stands in the way of a good Samaritan who is doing everything possible within the known world to help save another human. Even the person who caused the evil in the first place, if there were such a person, is less evil than the person who blocks the saving efforts.
Mother Jones Magazine, in attacking the Rotenberg Center is pure Lefty evil incarnate.