Anita Roddick, the non-founder of the Body Shop and enemy of commerce, died (standard obit) a few days ago of Hep C. The main obits were nonsense, a reliable story can be found here.
The important footnote to her obit is that she took one of the Briarpatch businesses global.
The actual Body Shop was founded by two women, Peggy Short and Jane Saunders, in the early 1970s. The first store, in a tiny garage was on Union St., West of Buchanan.
Roddick and her husband copied everything they saw, everything, in the tiny Briarpatch shop and used it when they opened their own copy in England in 1976.
By 1983, when Roddick's expanding global business wanted to open in the S.F. Bay Area they were forced to buy-out the original for $3+ million. I was called by Jane for advice on the buy-out. Short and Saunders were happy with the deal and changed the name of their, by then, five shops.
End of story.