To get a sense of the wealth of our society, one
need only look at this series of photos. Venice California is very lax
about letting RV livers live on the streets. These blocks of rather
beat-up RVs are parked near a giant coin laundry, coffee shop and near
a discount food store.
To live under these circumstances, in
generally warm weather, and eat fairly well, seven blocks from the
beach, should cost less than $400 a month. Four hundred a month is
less than the minimum payment from Social Security at age 62. To earn
$400, one can beg six hours a day for 13 days a month ($30 average
daily gross). One can work at the minimum wage cleaning for 8 hours a
day for five days a month. One can be a dishwasher for five hours a
day for four days a month.
Only a very rich society could allow people so much leisure and comfort.
Remember, from an earlier blog, as long as these RV livers don't beg from tourists or sit on the street looking homeless they are not a drain on society. On the other-hand, each visible homeless person costs a city $200,000 in lost tourist revenue. Each visible homeless person costs $200,000.