We have another tragic pacifist failure. Empirical evidence that pacifism is the way to get you and your people destroyed.
The tragic evidence: the Yezidi people of Qahtaniya in Northern Iraq. Over 500 people in the small town of 3,500 were killed by four Al Qaeda suicide bombers.
The Yezidi people are complete outcasts of Arabia, scattered in small villages in parts in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Armenia and Iran. They are often described as a Kurdish people because their language is close to Kurdish but they are not Muslims. They possess no arms, have no tribal defense and their unique religion denies the existence of evil. They believe in one god who created the world and lost interest in it. The remaining deities are symbolized by the peacock, with seven major feathers for their seven angels.
They are the Quakers of Arabia and for that they were killed. And will continue to be killed.