When the market opened this morning I sold all my stock. All. Domestic and foreign.
The market will have a significant drop, 10-20% when we go to war with Iran because oil is important and the Straits of Hormuz can not be fully protected. My signal is the price of oil, which went from $55 earlier this year to $65 this morning.
This attack on Iran has been a year in the planning. There are three carrier groups in the Straits. Two of ours and one French. At the moment they are conducting joint exercises with the British.
Debka reports that the Russians have leaked that this attack will take 12 hours, beginning Friday April 6th and is called 'Bite'. (When you have the French with you in any military operation, as we did in the Belgrade bombing, the Russians will know everything.)
To me the more important clues are the hostage taking of 15 Brits, and the renewed public cowardice of the American Democratic Party of the past week.
Every foreign service officer in the world knows that the failure of Jimmy Carter to act in 1978 led to WW4 (as labeled by Eliot Cohen and Norman Podhoretz) just as Neville Chamberlain's failure led to WW2. The cowardice of the Democratic Congress of 1972 led to the American failure in Vietnam and the death of more than a million Cambodians in 1976.
The cowardice of the Democratic Congress of 2006 will not be allowed to send a message to the world.