Lee Kuan Yew is still alive and should be considered one of the greatest people of the 20th Century. Lee Kuan Yew created an island nation on a tiny spit of land with no resources other than a good harbor and enough space for an airport, with a majority Chinese population that grew to be 3/4th Chinese. Yew's nation, Singapore, is one of the cleanest, most prosperous and successful nations on the planet.
Lew Kuan Yew stands in stark contrast to the other prominent leaders of small
nations from the same era. The others seized control of a small
population by force, killed thousands after gaining power and led their
people to destitution: Fidel Castro, Adolph Arafat, Kim Il-sung, Nuon Chea (Cambodia), Daniel Ortega and a dozen African leaders.
Lee Kuan
Yew's brilliant invention of a free market society with a limited democracy has become the example that has saved the lives of tens of
millions of other Chinese in China and citizens all over the world from
Russia to Vietnam.