Last week was a good week.
Rush Limbaugh reported the story that the new NASA-Japanese satellite sent back solar images from the X-ray spectrum showing enormous subsurface forces that had never been seen before.
Rush properly interpreted this as further evidence that Global Warming is a religious position since the relevant science is constantly changing. The sun is always being underrated in the Global Warming hysteria.
I've been aware of the scientific community's failure to appreciate the power of solar changes since the Intriligator solar waves brought down the shuttle Columbia in 2003. I wrote about it in an earlier blog.
The story about the BBC Global Warming -scam program was published last week, nationally, in the Examiner by one of the highest ranking NASA climatologists who is quoted in the BBC documentary.
Lastly , BusinessWeek, the most Left leaning business magazine, looked at the leading businesses that offer carbon offsets. Carbon Offsets are what Al Gore and the entire big-spending luxury-loving Lefties prize as their way of being hypocrites. They claim to buy carbon offsets to mitigate their putrid environmental footprint.
BusinessWeek checked on the three leading sellers of carbon offsets. Two are so secretive that there is no way to know what they do. As an "open books" businessperson this tells me that they are lying, scamming, phonies. The third carbon offset seller, a San Francisco company, gave BusinessWeek the necessary data and when BusinessWeek checked, all the references were scams. The methane sequestering was being done before the offset money was sent to the companies involved; the companies were "just grateful for the added income."
Global Warming seems to be a great religion for hypocrites.