I hope by now you know that the BBC Channel 4 did a wonderful program debunking Global Warming. This is a wonderful kick in the ass for the Lefty Fundamentalists who worship at the alter when the BBC spews its venom on Israel. The sacred BBC is saying, in great depth, that Global Warming is a scam...an expensive scam. The program is available at Google Video.
This brings up two points for me. First, I realized that the Al Gore film got an Oscar because two groups who vote on Oscars converged. Lefties, who are always paranoid and believe that humans should be fixed by government, voted for the Gore film in spite of its zero theatrical quality, and so did the business people in Hollywood who usually sit through boring Power Point presentations. Al Gore was the first interesting Power Point presentation the business folk had ever seen.
The second point for me was a recent airplane seatmate conversation. My seat mate, a leading expert in the field of cell phone towers, told me about cell phone tower base station technology. There are six reception and transmission channels that can handle a total of 150 simultaneous conversation; along a freeway this can reach for five miles. The average call is 90 seconds and the industry standard is that the equipment can't drop more than 5 calls per 1,000. A single antenna can service about 3,600 phones; most are not in use at any one time.
The surprise was that my seatmate, knowing I was a business person and a statistician brought up global warming. Turns out that much of his antenna reception work is effected by weather which has an 11 day cycle induced by the sun's rotation. He just can't believe that global warming isn't entirely caused by other unknown solar cycles since the sun can effect his equipment so easily.