There are two reasons why most anti-Americans feel the way they do. They have two powerful reasons to be envious. First an American is born with a high paying job anywhere in the world. Second Americans are born in the country more people want to move to than any other.
Americans who speak clearly and can do a modest job of teaching can teach English anywhere. No exceptions, anywhere including France. English is the language of global everything, airplanes, science, technology, medicine, everything. Every American is born with the potential job of being an English teacher (with an American accent), which is well paid, everywhere.
Second, Americans already live in the country that is the most desirable of all countries from the perspective of the world's immigrant population. No other country holds the appeal of America for people wanting to go to a new country. Again, no exceptions, including French speaking Africans and Arabs. More prefer the U.S. when given a choice. Even North Koreans would prefer to come to America over China, if they could.