I can't help it, I'm a statistician and I have spent my adult life with data and tables.
In an earlier blog I presented a table of the number of billionaires per million workers for twenty three countries.
I've kept the table on the desk near me and done further calculations. It turns out that the number of billionaires per million workers is a perfect Poisson distribution. Simeon-Denis Poisson, a brilliant French mathematician, published this distribution in 1832. The Poisson deals with rare events like the number of billionaires per million workers.
I'm afraid we have something close to a law of nature: For any nation that has industrial commerce, every million people in the workforce will have a 34% chance of producing no billionaires, a 34% chance of producing one billionaire, 22% chance of having two billionaires, 8% chance of three billionaires and 4% chance of 4 or more billionaires.
Live with it folks.