I have a prominent friend who is in Israel visiting for the first time. She writes back reporting the many amazing ways she is being treated like a Queen and how she is being exposed to the incredible genius and open heartedness of Israel.
I am in terrible pain as I read her reports.
My friend is a Lefty Fundamentalist and I read about the humanity
she is encountering and the deep felt compassion she experiences in
Israel. Yet she will come back to continue her activities that support
Palestinians who teach their children to kill the very Israeli's who
treated her so warmly; my friend will continue to go to rallies
where open hatred of Israel is the norm, where kindness is owed to
Arabs who swear the destruction of every Jew in Israel, where her
friends at every cocktail party on the Upper West-side of New York spew
hatred upon the President who has been the best friend of Israel in
2,200 years, and where she will vote for the only party that lets its
members shout for the blood of the Jews, people like Jimmy Carter,
Wesley Clark, Michael Moore, Cynthia McKinney etc.
My friend who was so moved in Israel to constantly run into brave people who lost children, husbands and family to Arab murders, still likes Bill Clinton. Clinton, a close friend of Adolph Arafat, who told Israelis, two years after the Second Intifada had killed hundreds of bus riders and coffee shop patrons to "be patient with the Palestinians."