The real tragedy for me is being unable to internalize my realization that virtually nobody changes after they reach adulthood.
Thus I call attention to a fact of life that has been growing more
evident every year, that evangelical Christians are the best friends
that Israel has. Maybe one of my readers knows a Lefty Jewish adult
who has an open mind. Among thousands of readers, that is possible. Tell them about this.
The Jerusalem Post reports that a Canadian parliamentary group is
joining an international group of evangelical parliamentarians who
support Israel. Christian evangelicals have been friends of Israel for
170 years.
People like Bill Maher, the stand-up comedian and misanthrope, can only be considered ignorant when they say things like 'I don't support Republicans or conservatives because the evangelicals who support Israel can't be trusted.' Hey, Bill, there is much more reason to distrust Lefties and Lefty Jews.