Where is Peter Singer when we need him? The man who claims to have a
secular, Martian view of morals has missed the biggest of all moral
I have, in an earlier blog, come to the realization that we humans are participating in the greatest moral outrage that any person or religion can conceive.
Plant life comprises 90% of the biomass of our planet and gets one
third of one percent of the atmosphere to breathe (CO2). Humans and
animal life comprise roughly 10% of the earth's biomass and we get 21%
of the atmosphere to breathe (oxygen). Truly a greater injustice has
never been comprehended.
Picture a few humans, squirrels and birds in a great Sequoia
forest. Those majestic, ancient trees only have one third of one
percent of the atmosphere to support their lives, while the greedy
selfish humans and other animals ignore, squander and wallow in their
immense share of 21% of the atmosphere. Such disregard for life is
How can people complain about American hegemony of the planet and
capitalist imperialism and the rich-poor divide? We insignificant,
recently evolved humans and other animals are wastrels, taking an
horrific share of the atmosphere for ourselves and leaving the most
pathetic beggars' crumbs for the hard working, kind and generous plants
of the planet that feed us as plankton and nourish our crops as top
Justice requires that we breathe harder, that we do everything in
our power to increase the plant life's share of the atmosphere by tens,
even hundreds of times what they get now.
Justice! Stand up and be counted! Animals of the world exercise, breathe more, burn everything you can find. CO2 for our loyal friends the plants.