I want historians to know how extensive the current climate hysteria
is. I have hundreds of friends with whom I am in regular contact. It
is sad to say that I don't personally know any plankton or
Of my friends only three are actually able to read the data and know that global warming consists in a small warming of the atmosphere, probably temporary, probably caused by solar activity and of no consequence. I have half a dozen friends who automatically distrust the hysteria because they hear the phrase "all scientists agree" and another half dozen who think global warming is just a Lefty political position. That leaves 95% of the humans, I personally know, who believe the hysterical escatological foreboding future.
To me this hysteria is properly called a Fear of CO2.
If I had friends in the plant kingdom, the plankton, the bacteria in top soil, and all the plants that view CO2 as the source of life... I would be surrounded with happiness; I know that 90% of the world, by mass, welcomes an increase in CO2 rather than fears it.
My plant friends might also complain that animals get 21% of the atmosphere to breathe while all the non-animal world has to share one third of one percent of the atmosphere. To put it another way. Animals have run to the 21 yard line on a football field, while plants are stuck on the 12 inch line.
Fear of CO2 has got to be hysterical. What is to fear when 90% of the life on the planet is happy about more CO2.