The military and political issues of this century seems to be the encounter of Global commercial states with tribalism. Tribalism makes its military impact with suicide murderers.
I was asked by a second generation Greek and a second generation Arab what I meant by tribalism. I pointed out that both their parents could walk around the town they had grown up in and know nearly everyone they met and in most cases hundreds of people they met were their cousins. That is tribalism.
We don't know much about inbreeding, except in dogs where the consequences are quite evident and generally harmful. With humans, one consequence of inbreeding is feeblemindedness, other consequences are damaged physical functions.
With high birth rates in tribal societies, with inbreeding and with modern medicine to help many disabled infants survive, we get the strange phenomenon of a growing number of disfunctional members of tribal groups. The solution that Arab, Chechen and Tamil tribes have found: send the feebleminded and disfunctional teenagers off to be suicide murderers.
Isn't that what we are seeing in the world. Tribal societies are sacrificing their feebleminded and disabled offspring to be suicide murderers?