When we out-source we are creating a middle-class and the potential for democracy because out-sourcing from our vantage point is importing services and from the point of view of the country that does the out-sourcing work it is industrial exporting. See the previous blog on the subject of industrial exporting and the creation of a middle-class. Industrial exporting creates meritocracy, resource efficiency and lowers costs for all involved.
The countries that are today's healthy and solid middle-class democracies are all countries that became what they are by creating industrial exports to the major industrial nations. Think of post war Japan, think of Taiwan and South Korea which also created industrial exports for Japan. More recently the best emerging example is China. Brazil, Chile and Mexico are industrial exporters to the industrial world, particularly the U.S. and they are the few Latin democracies with a growing middle-class.
The more we import industrially produced products from the world, the more we create middle-classes and democracies. We out-sourced to Mexico in an area call maqiladoros and we should out-source everywhere and everything we can.