It appears that we are
getting a national confrontation about supporting the Iraqi war; the
President versus the main components of the Democratic Party.
is my guess that part of this confrontation will involve a revision of
the popular history of the Vietnam War with the Republican Party
demonstrating that the Democrats lost the Vietnam War and ushered in a
period of thirty years of American cowardice.
The revision of
history will explain what happened in 1974. President Richard Nixon
ended the Vietnam War with a truce in March of 1973 that came after the
North Vietnamese were defeated in their Tet Offensive. The truce
specified that any resumption of fighting by the North would be met
with American support of the South.
A majority anti-war
Democratic congress had been elected in 1972. The Congress impeached
Nixon in the summer of 1973. He was replaced with Gerald Ford.
Starting in December of 1973 the North began probing the American
resolve to support the South. Gerald Ford tried to get Congressional
support for funding and arming the South. He failed. The North saw the
failure of America and proceeded with a full on assault that easily
succeeded. The North won.
America spent the next thirty
years loosing battle after battle, or in the case of the first Iraqi
invasion, accepting a quick cease-fire with Saddam left in place.
is the history, I expect we will begin learning, as the Republicans
fight the intellectual war to paint the Democrats as the party of
Footnote: Ironically, the Communist North that fought so hard for Commnism is rapidly becoming a market-driven society.