I have an unexplainable sympathy for
Al Gore. First, he is married to a woman who attacks pop music because
it violates her self-righteous certainty about moral influences on
children. She launched her attack based on her spouse's prominence.
Then Gore is taunted about a statement that he founded the Internet.
Since the Internet owes some parentage to DARPA in the 1960s, Gore may have had some infinitesimal role in helping DARPA at a later date.
Then he wins a popular election only to loose in the Electoral
College. And lately he makes a phony and largely erroneous movie
self-righteously called "An Inconvenient Truth."
Now the poor sucker turns out to be on the Board of Apple when it approved a non-existent Board meeting that approved an immoral and illegal back dating of Steve Jobs' stock options.
Poor guy. He doesn't understand that being in politics is not the place to be if you believe yourself to be upright and moral AND you wish to be self-righteous about it. That will always be seen as hypocrisy.
Check the previous blog to understand why Gore's condoning of back dated stock options is particularly odious.