Countries that only produce and export commodities are either unstable or autocratic. The same is true for countries that have virtually no exports.
Columbia and Afghanistan produce cocoa and poppies for export (illegal and decentralized exports) and we get warlords. Most of the rest of the 170 nations in the world produce a few commodities for export like tobacco, cotton, coffee, fish or major minerals like diamonds, gold, oil and gas; we usual get autocratic tyrants.
The grown commodity exporting countries are places like Cuba, Senegal, Argentina and Malaysia.
The mineral exporting countries are places like Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan and Libya.
There are no exceptions to this rule. Commodity export=autocracy.
Most countries produce nothing for export, these countries just have local trade, like the entire non-oil Middle-East, much of Africa and Latin America. They are all utterly poor, with migration into urban areas where imported food is cheaper than locally grown food.
For countries that export commodities the government becomes an autocratic tyranny because it is easy to get control of the exports which have to go through ports and usually require military protection for extensive agricultural or excavation output. A few autocrats get control of the exports and everyone else stays poor.