It is really painful for me to listen to the many people who complain about the low voter turnout and who vigorously discuss the many paternalistic ways to get more people to vote.
What a waste of my time. I’ve pointed out before and will repeat it here: the way to get people to vote is to take the right to vote away from a small part of the population. Make the act of voting valuable.
My nomination for the three categories of people who will lose their vote are: people who inherit a large amount of money (say, a million dollars or more), who take a job with life-time job security or who are former presidents who leave the country to attack the U.S. when it is at war*.
The first two categories of vote removal would be justified on the basis that these people are completely out of touch with the realities of life. The third is justified because it is spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. Vote removal of these first two categories, inheritance and lifetime employment, would eliminate 90,000 San Francisco voters and turn San Francisco into a 50% Republican town.
*Former President Jimmy Carter committed treason according to the U. S. Constitution when he went to Europe on several visits to attack American policy during the War in Iraq. "Article III, Section 3 - Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."