We read about law suits against fast food and have noxious movies about 'supersize me'.
Have you ever heard about the splendid improvements in American eating habits?
In the past two decades we Americans have reduced our beef consumption from 72 pounds per person to 62 pounds, while increasing our chicken consumption from 33 pounds to 58 pounds.
Egg consumption is down and so is whole milk, while eating fish and drinking skim milk are up. Margarine is down while vegetable and olive oil is up.
Most surprisingly, all fresh fruits and vegetables are up, from 258 pounds per capita to 322 pounds. That is a 25% increase in fresh fruit and vegetable consumption.
The fresh fruits and vegetables with the greatest increase in popularity are, in order: broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapples, cucumbers, onions, and grapes. Good work my fellow Americans. (Tables 203, 203 pp136)