I have long been a critic of democracy. A helpful critic. In the late 1970s I proposed a legislature selected from a scientifically random population. Chick Callenbach and I wrote a book on the proposal (Citizen Legislature). Bob Gnaizda added the suggestion that one house remain as it is today. A great suggestion now that I understand the need for power groups to be represented.
I have also proposed that the U.S. Congress, probably both houses to some extent, have a few members elected by other countries, representing important democratic allies of ours such as Japan, Britain, Holland and Germany. The countries would feel a part of our decision making process and would actually have appropriate input.
Now I realize that we need just such a mechanism in San Francisco. We need an amendment to our City Charter that creates four new supervisors; added to our current nine, the total would be thirteen. Each new supervisor would be elected by San Mateo County, Marin County, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Too many, if not most, of the deliberations and laws passed by our Board have direct impact on the lives of the 250,000 workers and tens of thousands of shoppers who come to San Francisco for a livelihood everyday and for recreation. Lets get them in on the decisions that effect their lives.