I’ve yet to see any Lefty outrage over the U.N. terrorist list. The Wall Street Journal reported on Oct 2nd that the Security Council has a list of 359 people who are subject to having their passports confiscated along with all their assets. Only a government can put a person on the list. There are no requirements for hearings, evidence, appeals or civil rights protections and there is no appeal once a person has been put on the list.
No outrage from the Left yet on this issue. Rule of thumb, since the Left considers the UN a model form of governance, if you want to be bad, establish your Lefty credentials as a good guy and become immune to criticism like the UN.
Reminds me of advice I gave to a friend about to become head of the Marxist Radio station KPFA in Berkeley a decade ago. I said "go to the first meeting and tell everyone you hate capitalist pigs more than anyone, you want to blow up their businesses and torture them to death." I said "that will make you king of the hill, the badest of the bad and you will succeed as station manager."
She didn't follow my advice and was kicked out by the staff after 6 months.