Nearly every Lefty believes in classes and elites in America. That is a core definition of “Lefty.”
If you don’t believe there are classes in America nor that an elite class rules America, you are not a Lefty. You are also right. Empirical evidence overwhelmingly discounts the nonsense of Marx, Malthus and the entire Lefty pyramid of economic fantasy.
This one chart, on the right, from the U.S. Treasury is all the evidence you need (click to enlarge). The Treasury looked at the distribution of income taxes filed in a1979 and again ten years later in 1988 to compare the incomes of the same people in both years a decade apart. Nearly everyone changed the income category they were in.
Moreover, look at the top 1% of income earners, the most maligned people in America by the press and the Left. More than half of this top elite had been replaced, meaning half had dropped out of the elite in ten years.
If there are classes in the U.S. and an elite running the country, they sure aren’t the same people from year to year. Income mobility trumps class in America by ten to one.
If this kind of evidence can't change your mind, then you have a religous believe, just like witchcraft, voodoo and crystal balls.