Bill Maher, the comedian, was interviewed by Larry King. After many Lefty jokes, including some about the absurdity of the Palestinians, Maher was asked about President Bush’s strong support of Israel. Did Maher appreciate it?
Maher replied that he fully appreciated Bush’s and the Republican’s strong support of Israel. Larry King asked whether he would vote Republican in the future. Maher said he wouldn’t because the Republicans had too much support from religious conservatives who scare him with their proselytizing of Jews.
I mention this because I hear it often from Jews who continue to support the Left that is increasingly anti-Jew. Come on! No Christian would want Maher in his church.
Moreover, the fact that Christians of all persuasions have been proselytizing for centuries, including Lefty Methodists and Presbyterians (they send a portion of all collection plates to missionaries) isn't a rational reason for not supporting the Republican party. The Republicans are now 84% supporters of Jews compared to the Democrats who are 43% supporters. That is a very big difference.
The Republicans don’t have open anti-Semites like Jimmy Carter, Cynthia McKinney and Michael Moore.