I regularly hear Americans say "most of the world hates America these days." People who say that are self-hating Americans.
What they are saying, statistically speaking, is that press reports of hatred of America ... by Arabs, and Lefty Europeans ... bother them because they agree with the anti-American foreigners.
Why would I say that? Because the statement that "most of the world hates America these days" is totally false and some explanation is needed for why people would make such false statements.. Count the numbers yourself.
The Chinese are 18% of the world and they hardly care about America, they certainly are neutral not antagonistic. Indians are 17% of the world and they range from neutrality to liking America. Then add three countries that love America, Japan, the Philippines and Persia and we get another 5%. Then there are the majority of Australians, a third of the Canadians, a third of the Germans and about a third of the British who love us and have shown it with their elections. That is another 3%. Finally there are all the Eastern Europeans who genuinely love America.
I have enumerated a majority of the world, without doing any questionably competent cross-cultural surveys. Moreover, there are plenty of people in Russia, Mexico, Central and Latin America who love us in spite of their long history of antagonism. There are many people in the rest of the world who I haven't mentioned; they clamor to get visas and green cards.
Only a person who can't think or add would conclude that there is a vast anti-American hatred.
Back to my original point. Americans who talk about the vast level of anti-Americans have constructed this nonsense to validate their own feelings, propping it up with articles and surveys of European elites who hated America in the 1950's when I visited there and have long complex love-hate relations with us, unrelated to reality or our behavior.