In a recent discussion about the malodorous history of the UN, I raised the point that the UN had been a main source of Middle East problems by keeping and supporting Palestinian refugees in camps for sixty years. I was about to point out that the UN had never done anything about other major refugee problems ranging from Tibetans and South Vietnamese to Somalis.
Then it dawned on me. The problem is that Israelis are civilized people. The Chinese would kill any returning Tibetans as did the North Vietnamese and the Somali warlords. If a program were worked out to resettle Palestinians, the Palestinians and everyone else on the planet knows that the Israelis are civilized and would accommodate the new returnees as they did the million Arabs who returned in 1947, many of whom are now Israeli citizens.
Israel is uniquely guilty of being civilized otherwise there would be no Palestinian refugee camps sixty years after the Israeli war of Independence.
On the same point, most Canadians were refugees from the American war of Independence. Canadians didn't sit in refugee camps until 1845 waiting to return to the 13 States (that were no longer just 13). Because the United States, like Israel was a civilized society, the Canandians who wanted to return did so. The rest did not wait in refugee camps. They became Canadians.
If some group of radical Israelis announced they would kill all returning Arabs from the refugee camps...the problem of refugees might go away.
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