Does anyone consider my contributions original?
In my book Gods of Commerce I identified the three main clusters of commerce that are each significantly different from the other. (Trade is always aimed at a single customer; industry is aimed at lowering costs and clientrism is focused on a lifetime relationship with the customer.)
In the next book, Commerce, I identified the fundamental non-moral quality of commerce that generates its source of energy in meritocracy, openness and use of diverse human qualities. I compared the non-moral quality of commerce to the widely appreciated non-moral realm of technology.
Since the publication of Commerce, in this blog and the Commerce blog, I have identified other non-moral systems that have created modernity. The common law origins of our judicial system have been built on making justice non-moral. The democratic generation of legislatures has created a realm of legislative politicians who use non-moral skills in their harmonizing of conflicting power interests. Lastly, compassionate professionals operate in a non-moral realm. Nurses, doctors, hospitals, paramedics and firefighters all carry out their work with compassionate rules that forbid moral selectivity among the patients encountered in their work.
Back to my initial question: Does anyone consider my contributions original?