I have many Japanese friends who visit the United States. I frequently offer a guest room to my friends when they visit.
I feel bad about inviting Japanese to the United States. Their country is so clean and so safe and my country is so filthy and so dangerous that I only feel OK sending them to Yosemite, Sausalito and Disneyland. There are whole areas of every American city, some entire cities, where it is dangerous to walk, especially for a foreign woman alone, even in the day time.
Why do we put up with these third world conditions?
My only answer is pathetic, and I sure can't weigh the numbers. There exists some sort of imaginary social scales where we make a direct trade-off. On one side of the scales we are accepting boundless numbers of immigrants, letting total human failures fall off the ladder of merit, and letting lazy incompetents wander free without supervision. On the other side of the scales, this freedom to fail gives us an imaginative, creative and vigorous society.
We accept the dirty and dangerous for the freedom and creativity that come with it.