The free speech movement of when? Just a short comparison of the same event in Berkeley and Paris.
In America, the student rebellion started the first year that the baby boomers reached the University,1964. The rebellion at UC Berkeley was about the use of the word fuck on the steps of the Administration Building. The students took over the building and held it hostage for a great deal of publicity.
Two personal asides on this event. First, I organized and led a student revolt at the U. of Chicago in 1957. I put a picket ring around the Senate Building where a critical vote was about to take place. It never crossed my mind to actually block the faculty from entering the building. That brilliant innovation came about in Berkeley.
Second, when I was a grad student at U. of Calif. Berkeley in 1962 I organized the Grad Student Association. (I did the same, long distance, at UCLA.) The treasurer of my organization was Mario Savio, later the leader of the Free Speech rebellion. I knew Mario and may have taught him a little about organizing.
Back to the baby boomer student uprising. In America the date is relatively unknown and the issue was about some sort of free speech. In France the students waited until the leaders had graduated and the entire University was full of baby boomers. Then they manned the barricades demanding everything imaginable. The French mark this as a seminal point in their intellectual history, the year 1968 is the description of the event.
The French never stop reliving their Revolution against King Louis and we Americans apparently never stop remembering our war of independence from King George ('no taxation without representation'). July 4th is independence, July 14th is revolution.
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