Only one out of ten American households have Tivos at this point, but 9 out of ten of those Tivo owners zap the commercials.(Source)
Is this the future of TV advertising? Tivo users may be the leading-edge first-adapters and somewhat unrepresentative, but I think they do express a popular dislike of advertising.
To me, the best evidence of popular dislike of advertising is the fact that Google has become the unquestioned number one search engine and the only significant difference between Google and the rest of the pack is the clean-white simplicity anti-ad quality of its home search page.
What does this mean? For one thing it means Google will thrive as TV ads migrate to the Internet.
What else does this mean? I think some folks in advertising and the media are going to wonder why advertising is so generally offensive. When they ask that question the answer will be simple. Some advertising isn’t offensive, but a great deal of the rest is. Therefore people gladly skip all advertising even if a small proportion doesn’t warrant skipping.
Solution. Only put ads together with other ads that are equally appealing to the same group of people. If we know that a particular program only has entertaining ads and no boring ads, we won’t be zapping. But even one bad apple, one boring or offensive ad, will spoil the barrel and have us zapping again.
That is business folks. A shopping center where a shopper gets burned at two different stores will lose that shopper for good. Every other store in the shopping center will be a loser.
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