It is hard getting old because most of our social support infra-structure slowly degrades.
We have a group of national figures who are not only destroying the social usefulness of older people they are also trying to destroy the very organizations and institutions that gave these national figures prominence in the first place.
Start with number one villain: Jimmy Carter (the first president with a boy’s name). Jimmy did and is still doing his part to make sure that retired presidents are viewed as incompetent, disgraceful and no help to the country. Jimmy has left the country to give speeches against the twice-elected sitting President and our Congressionally-supported foreign policy. Just to prove that a former president can be non-compus- mentis, the sitting president attended the funeral of a national black figure (Coretta King) and Jimmy boy used the occasion to again attack the president, this time to his face. Jimmy boy is the former president who also invited our National Idiot (Michael Moore) to sit with him at the Democratic National Convention.
Next in line to disgrace the office of president, the former candidate for president, Al Gore. Gore went to Saudi Arabia to denounce American Foreign policy. That makes a retired President and a retired Vice-President who was also a Democratic Party candidate for president as destruction derby queens. Going overseas to voice criticism is minor treason. Definitely "giving aid and comfort" to the global terrorist movement.
Then there was the retired Secret Service agent who confirmed to a journalist that he had observed President Kennedy having sex in the White House swimming pool several times with women who weren’t his wife. That made sure the Secret Service could never again be trusted by any future president or vice-president. Since top officials can’t trust the Secret Service anymore, they now act out of range of the Secret Service and put themselves in unnecessary danger. Thanks to a retiree.
Most recently, six retired generals (Maj Gen Charles H Swannack Jr, Maj Gen John Riggs, Maj Gen John Batiste, Gen Anthony Zinni, Lt Gen Gregory Newbold, Maj Gen Paul Eaton) attacked the Secretary of Defense. Zinni is the most recent retiree and the most prominent.
The general’s act of minor treachery significantly degrades the status of the American military and retirees. From now on every military planning operation will automatically exclude officers who are within a few years of retirement for fear that after retirement (which is often at age 45) the retirees will publicly attack the military and military campaigns.
Is there a pattern here? Isn’t it time that some one or some organization spoke out about retirees becoming public vehicles of social destruction?
Maybe this is time to introduce disenfranchisement. Maybe a majority vote of the Senate, for minor acts of treason, should be sufficient to take away an individual’s right to vote. The Senate is the logical institution to do this under the Constitution and it certainly has the power.
Senators: take away the right to vote of public figures who carry out acts of minor treason.