Some of my readers are getting tired of my using the term Lefty Fundamentalist. So I’m going to consider an alternative with the same theological underpinnings: secular Catholicism. The theology is nearly the same as I gave for Lefty Fundamentalism in an earlier blog:
1. Equality of income has been a human ideal. It should continue to be.
2. Global commerce is exploitive of workers and the environment.
3. People would not be poor if...
3. People would not be poor if they were given reasonable financial assistance.
4. Large corporations are generally malevolent and should be constrained.
5. Religion is the opiate of the masses.
6. There are classes in America.
7. The top class protects its interests at others expense.
Since secular Catholicism is Roman Catholicism taken directly from medieval theology minus Mary, the Pope and the Trinity. I’ve made the wording a little different:
1. Equality of income has been a human ideal. It should continue to be.
2. Global commerce is exploitive of workers and nature.
3. We should accept people who are poor and try to give them financial assistance.
4. Business and open markets are generally malevolent and should be constrained.
5. Greed and selfishness are the opiate of the masses.
6. There are classes in the world and their differences should be respected.
7. Kings and the aristocratic class protect everyone‘s interests. Pray for them.
Doesn’t that sound like the modern day annual social encyclicals of the Pope? Doesn’t it sould like the Christmas message of very Pope for the last fifty years?
The modern world is still unacceptable to people who believe everything was better in Medieval Europe. That is where unions come from. That is where the moral values of Lefty Fundamentalism comes from.