Is your mind and worldview more like your mother’s or your father’s?
I have pondered this question for a long time and have concluded that my father influenced many of my ideas as have other people in my life but the structure of my mind is closer to my mother’s.
The reason for this would appear to be, not unique in my case, because our mind is a reflection of our language and language comes disproportionately from the one parent or guardian who spent the most time with us in the first two years.
I have the benefit of having had a Mexican speaking nanny who spoke very little English (I know a few Mexican swear words obviously aimed at a child), I had a father who was working very hard during my infancy. So only my mother was around to teach me my language. It is easy to pinpoint her. She also had a distinct way of viewing the world that I can reconstruct.
If most of us got our worldview with our language from our parents then most of us probably got it from our mothers. The consequence is that we live predominantly in an intellectual matriarchy. Our minds probably follow closely our mitochondrial DNA.
I find that a strange position. Since we don’t have much knowledge or measurement of what the mind is, we have eons of future time to learn more about this fascinating proposition.